Welcome to the Christus Triumfatorkerk website Welcome to the Christus Triumfatorkerk website
Our church is located in The Hague in the heart of the Bezuidenhout neighborhood.

We view our church as a place that is open for everyone, with special attention for those that live and work in Bezuidenhout and those who come across our path.
On this website you can find information about our community. You can learn about who we are, our beliefs, our planned activities and our church services. You can also find the contact information for our minister.

Listen to our church services
Would you like to listen along to our church services? You can listen live every Sunday morning from 9:50 a.m. or at your convenience any time thereafter. (webpage and Services are in Dutch)

Come to our services
We would like to welcome you visit our church services as well. Although you can hear the services online, it is quite another thing to be there in person, where you can experience first-hand the openness and warmth of our community and our shared beliefs. (Services in Dutch)

You are welcome to join us! Services start at 10:00am every Sunday.